Sunday, March 09, 2025

We're hiring, and there are several ways to work with us.

UEG, Inc. will continually contract Trade Brokers to refer new companies to our trading platform.

The independent Trade Brokers will earn 60% of the initiation fee trade credits, which they can choose to a) use at face value, or b) redeem for cash on the daily deal/auction site below face value. For example, small to medium sized companies will be paying $500 vUSD in trade credits for an initiation fee. $300 vUSD will go the Trade Broker; $200 vUSD will go to the platform. It is quite easy to sign up the new businesses, as we are the only network that is not asking for a blank cheque or credit card info, like all of the other exchanges.

We are offering the businesses that will sign over some surety a 0% interest line of credit (up to 10% of their last year’s verified gross sales) to shop in our directory before they ever have to offer up some of their goods or services to cover their trade deficit within the network. They can shop first, and then later pay in their own scrip. Everything that they buy is effectively discounted at their cost of goods. Even better, most of the gift certificates that they issue will come back with new business attached. It is relatively easy to get most small to medium businesses to try this if they are not being asked for a blank cheque or credit card to join.

The Trade Broker who gives them a business card with a reference number for them to log in to the application page is identified and their trade credit account is automatically credited upon acceptance of the application. They can then assign the amount of trade credit that they would like to arbitrage collectively with us on the cash auction site. Even if they only receive 20 cents on the dollar from the cash auction, they are still earning $60 US per referral. If they did only 4 referrals per day, 5 days a week they would earn $1200 USD in cash per week. If they use their trade credits to purchase media and advertise the platform through their referral number, they could do astronomically more, maybe $1200 US per hour. Media arbitrage is huge, and a large inventory of media is available to trade networks worldwide.

These earnings are residual and can be sold, donated, or bequeathed.

The icing on the cake for these independent contractors is that for signing up new Trade Brokers they will also receive $100 vUSD for every new business member's accepted application referred by the new contractors. This comes from the $200vUSD to the platform which then becomes $100vUSD for the platform. The potential for growth here is exponential for all concerned.

A successful independent Trade Broker will strive to source out goods and services for their clients, and to help their members generate new business, all for a percentage of their clients gross trading.

Referral agents that direct traffic to our cash deals site(Dealacopia) will earn 10% residually from the shopping cart of their referrals.

Another exiting opportunity to work with our organization is as a Credit Clearing Specialist. Check out our sister site for more information. Training is provided, and like all of our positions, the work can be done from anywhere you can get online and make calls. The only pre-requisite is being a Trade Broker for Collective Currency. Find out what you have to do to make $1000+ per hour solving the debt crisis.

Last but not least, we are still seeking Linguistic Division Managers in many languages. Available LDM positions and compensation package can be viewed at our parent company site,

All of the positions with each of our divisions are suited to highly motivated individuals who do not like to see a cap on their earnings potential. As an added incentive, we have a little competition going until May 1st, 2013... 1% of UEG, Inc. stock will go to the Collective Currency member with the most referrals to, 1% of UEG, Inc. stock will go to the Trade Broker with the greatest volume of trading.

1% of UEG Inc. stock will go the referral agent that earns the most by referring members to our cash site, Dealacopia (one year from Dealacopia launch date, TBA), and 1% of UEG, Inc. stock will go the Credit Clearing Specialist that clears the greatest amount of Receivables for our clients on Credit Clearing Solutions (one year from launch date, TBA). 4% of UEG, Inc. is on the table! Who will our new partners be? It could be you!

You don't have to quit your day job to test out our program, and there is no cost to you to get started. Send your resume to Rob Charney, our Chief Operations Officer - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We look forward to working with you!